
NOTE: On September 18 and September 20, the advisers will be away for a live regional Halloween reading event. Therefore, no emergency readings will be performed on those days. Emergency readings received on those two days will be done the next business day.

WEEKDAY & WEEKEND EMERGENCY READINGS ~ Your reading will be completed within 24 hours (usually immediately to 12 hours). FOR OTHER ORDERS ~ If you've ordered a fall special, a reading, a ritual, an energy update, a coaching session, or a product through the website, we will get back to you within 24 hours to schedule (usually immediately to 12 hours). FOR GENERAL EMAILS ~ For anything that doesn't require a paid order, we will respond at our earliest convenience (currently 2 business days). View our September/October Super Power Specials here! (Use Coupon Code: SeptemberOnly at checkout for 10% off.)


Samhain Eternal Bewitchment Binding Infinite SPELL

Only 4 left in stock



Limited slots are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. There are 8 slots available this year! 

Specials are Available from September 1 through October 31, 2024.

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Free three-question Halloween Tarot Reading with each order!

Thanks to donations from Anonymous Rosie and Mike Reiten for this particular Binding, this is the lowest price ever!

To see reviews for this binding, please see the bottom of this page: Eternal Binding


Important: This is a special Samhain version of the Eternal Bewitchment Binding Infinite Spell. There is more power involved due to special seasonal tools and timing. We perform very few of these spells per year due to the amount of time involved and energy expelled to produce the final result.


Details ~

Exclusive Infinite Power Spell by Special Secret Method.

This is a permanent spell that could bind magickal energy to you so that you may use the magick at will. This means you could need or want something and by only your wish, it could happen with endless effects. Your wishes are unlimited and the magick would be bound to you for life. We will bewitch you with eternal magick so you can permanently, by will, change and improve your life.


The spell could give you unlimited power to change or improve ~

Romantic Love

Family Relationships

Strengthen or Find Friendships

Improve Careers

Meet Business Goals

Money & Finances

Social Positions

Deeply Personal Matters

Emotional Health

Beauty & Body

All Positive Life Matters

It Could Allow You to Combat ~

Malicious Attacks From Others



Revenge (personal justice)

All Negative Life Matters

There are some rules attached to the magick. They are:

* You must never wish physical harm to an innocent person or animal. If you do, nothing bad will happen to them, but the spell will dissolve.

* The wishes must apply to you personally. The only wishes that could apply to others are physical protection on your own direct-line family members (parents/grandparents/children/grandchildren). You cannot use the spell to find a husband for your best friend, but you could wish a husband for yourself. You cannot use the spell for your sister to obtain $10,000, but you could wish for it yourself and then give it to her.

* You must not use the magick for greed. You could wish to give yourself (and, in turn, your family) a very comfortable lifestyle. However, blatant greed will cause the spell to dissolve.

* You shouldn't ask for the impossible. The dead can't be raised. You can't lose 100 lbs. in a month. You can't get a marriage proposal from a celebrity. Dragons, unicorns, werewolves, and vampires can't be conjured. You can't time travel. This isn't Hollywood. It's real, solid, fruitful wishes that deal with realistic life matters. Respect the energy and the process and deal with reality. If you wish for nonsense, the spell will eventually dissolve.

* The magick could protect your general health if you're already healthy. It could prevent certain illnesses, accidents, or injuries. It might help with chronic conditions. But it cannot cure terminal diseases. Also, you cannot test the magick and it is effective. An example would be praying for God to prevent an accident, then intentionally running into a telephone pole. You have to maintain reasonable health habits for the wish to work.

If this binding is successful, you won't need the services of a spell caster ever again, and you won't need to cast spells again. Merely wishing within reason could allow things to transform wonderfully. Although this spell is enough, many people still use boosters to produce faster results for their wishes.

We must impress for you to respect the magick and not to misuse it. If you wish under the rules, the spell will remain strong and intact. If you wish against the rules, the spell could dissolve.


Specifics ~

The spell is cast by all 13 of us, and it's by totally secret method. Due to intricate preparation time, it will be cast within seven days of your order. It takes anywhere from one month to nine months to produce full, permanent results. It may start working slowly over that period, or it may just quickly manifest all at once (within one to nine months).

The Samhain Seasonal Version of this spell has a 97 percent success rate, and you would be very surprised to know of the many celebrities, sports stars, and politicians who have taken advantage of this very spell over the decades. However, we cannot guarantee this spell (or any spell) will work for everyone every time. Results may vary. Also, it cannot be reversed once it's cast. We have a no-refund policy so please be certain before ordering. 

We can't reveal any details whatsoever due to the mysterious nature of the spell.

Free Halloween Tarot Reading included. Three questions.. Results are up to 300 words. Please allow 1 to 10 business days to receive your results.


Instructions ~

After ordering, please contact us with your full name, valid email address, the names of all involved, and your request or goal for the work.

*Seasonal services and products are for entertainment only.

Legal Disclaimer: Must be 18+ to order from this website. For entertainment purposes only. You must read and agree to our Terms & Conditions of Sale before purchasing from this website. Copyright © 2024. M.Enchantments Limited Liability Company. All Rights Reserved.

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