Autumn Magick Super Power Specials


July 4 - 8 

We're closed for the Independence celebration. Nobody is available to read or respond to messages. But you can still order services while we're away. We'll contact you upon our return. Thank you!



Message for 2023 Specials ~ Although we're not offering as many specials as we usually do, we added one new item. We will be having some flash sales so check back often, and the 50% off cash offer applies to all individual items priced $100 or higher. Also, many of the items that were priced high in the past have been drastically reduced thanks to donations from Anonymous Rosie.


2023 AUTUMN MAGICK SPECIALS ARE POSTED! PLEASE FEEL FREE TO PRE-ORDER ANYTHING! All items will be shipped and work will be scheduled after September 1.

Look for the free gifts, free readings, and other free offers included with many listings!


If you've been waiting to take action, NOW is the time!

October is the ultimate superpower month, the absolute most powerful time of the year! During this month, we can hear nature whispering by the cool, crisp wind. Any magick we perform during October is naturally triple powered so results may be extremely fast with enormous energy. And September Magick is thick energy building towards Samhain, the most powerful of all nights. We welcome the spiritual world to meet with our own as the veil between the realms is the thinnest. As you embrace this dark autumn night, we invite you to browse this page to read about our incredible, super-charged Specials at the most magickal time of the year!

Some spells have limited slots. If you're interested, please order soon! Slots are filling quickly!

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